Here at Orange Frog Productions, we are no stranger to lighting up events where thousands of guests rely on our expertise to set the mood. We’ve identified some key lighting trends for 2019 that are sure to wow your audience. Be sure to call us to discuss these and other ways we can make your large gathering shine.

“Not So Tiny” Dancer – The Dancing Image Illusion

Lighting for large events usually takes place in cavernous halls where the walls are bare, and the ceiling is high (see our ‘above the 6th’ campaign on instagram @orangefrogproductions). Think of a massive hall, such as the Edmonton Expo Centre, where over 522,000 square feet of continuous space allows for entertaining up to 3,500 people at a time.

It is hard to decorate a space that large. Artwork is swallowed up on massive walls, the ceilings are too high to hang streamers or rows of balloons, and apart from the tablecloths, it’s difficult to show off the company or wedding colours.

It’s the dancing image illusion to the rescue! This lighting trend for large events plays colourful, moving images of objects, or even shadows of people, on the walls, floors and ceilings. The images can be customized with colours, or be modified to include a company logo.

Imagine, large snowflakes floating down the walls at a winter gala, wispy hearts chasing each other around the dance floor at a wedding, or koi swimming behind the buffet table at a business event. The choices are endless, and the impact is stunning.

The Ultimate Welcome – The Building Cloak Technique

Who says you must only use lighting trends for large gatherings inside the venue? Why not welcome your guests by dramatically lighting up the entire building?

This is a trend that has really taken off around the world turning monuments and buildings into works of temporary art. Also known as “light painting,” this lighting trend for large gatherings involves cloaking an entire building or structure in a massive projection of light. The lights can form shapes, be certain colours, and change intermittently as desired.

On a local level, this is a wonderful way to show off products (a car driving around on the walls of a building makes for a very impressive new car launch), personalize a wedding (guests walking through cascading walls of flowers or hearts bubbling from the ground to the building’s summit), or impact gatherings where an international audience is present (drape the building in flags representing the nationalities of each guest).

The Tactile Experience – Interactive Lighting

Lighting trends for large gatherings can be a lot of fun, as seen in the tactile experience of interactive lighting. This is lighting that responds to touch or sound.

The execution of interactive lighting is not easy, and to ensure it makes the desired impact at your next large gathering, hire professionals to pull this off. Your interactive light show can be set to music, or be something quieter and contemplative, such as ripples appearing in a pond with the touch of a finger, or fish in a “lake” swimming away when the lighting pad is walked on.

Interactive lighting is a great idea to add an extra element to parties, to show off the talent of a musical group, to enhance a performance, and so much more.

Keeping it Simple – Minimalism

Lighting trends for large gatherings are not always about fun, excitement, and entertainment. Sometimes lighting must be used in a more somber or reflective way. Minimalism in lighting creates an impact just as much as flashy, moving, interactive lighting.

Imagine a large wedding in a historic stone church. There are 300 people on the guest list. It’s a formal event with lots of traditional elements. Bathing the interior of the church in a soft white glow would be impressive, giving a heavenly air of quiet contentment to the whole affair.

How about a large event set in an already colourful venue, like a botanical garden or a museum? As the night falls and darkness sets in, imagine a beautiful ambient glow, selectively lighting up certain trees or particular works of art.

Combine this minimalism with lighting illusions – the odd falling star trailing down a wall or small fairies darting behind planters. It is touches like this that make your event memorable.

How Do You Want Your Large Gathering to be Remembered?

Today’s events, such as weddings, product launches, conferences, grand openings, and galas, are nothing like they were in years past. The times of balloon arches and streamers, and a few flood lights, are long gone. In their place is a cornucopia of fresh, new, and exciting ideas that combine lighting, venues, and interactive, moving elements to create not just an event, but an experience.

How do you want your large event to be remembered? Do you want it to stand out? Do you want to show the guests something they have never seen or experienced before? If so, contact us. Our custom lighting packages are the unique touch you’ve been looking for. Let us show you how lighting is the difference between a standard event, and one that makes the guests say, “wow!”